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Reno Nevada

Cost of Commercial Cleaning Services?

Many companies are reluctant to add the cost of a Commercial Cleaning Service to their budget.  When this happen it is up to the staff to Clean and maintain the office or facility. This can take away from the real work they were hired to do, not to mention how it could affect the overall level of satisfaction within the company.


When you hire a Janitorial Service Company like Nevada Office Cleaning you can be certain that you are hiring a company with a professional staff, with professional Cleaning technicians that are trained and ready to maintain your office or facility. 


Pricing Janitorial Services depend on many factors:

From the size of the facility to the amount of break rooms and bathrooms, is the facility carpeted or is it mostly hard floors, do you need daily services or something a little less frequent etc.


Nevada Office Cleaning will provide a Cleaning plan that is tailored to your particular needs and desires.

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